February 22, 2024

A Guide to Comforters

A Guide to Comforters

 Comforters can be really beneficial in creating a haven of comfort and connection for your baby or toddler. Not only do they provide a sense of security, but they can also support the development of independent sleep.

Here's everything you need to know about introducing a comforter into your bub's sleep routine!


Safety is paramount, and it's essential to follow guidelines recommended by experts. According to Red Nose Australia, introducing a comforter is suitable from around 7 months of age. This timeframe ensures that your baby has developed the necessary motor skills and awareness to interact safely with a comforter.

Other parts of the world however do have different recommendations, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend nothing in the cot until your baby is at least 12 months of age. 

With the varying guidelines, we let our clients decide when they feel comfortable to introduce one. 


The are many benefits of introducing a comforter. These cozy companions offer more than just a nice, soft cuddle; they provide comfort, connection and a sense of security acting as a transitional object that signals sleep.

A comforter becomes a source of emotional support, making it particularly useful for easing separation anxiety. Comforters can be a gentle ally, helping your little one navigate the journey to independent sleep.


  • Introduce the comforter gradually, making it a part of your baby's bedtime routine. This helps create a positive association between the comforter and sleep.
  • To enhance the bond between your little one and their comforter, incorporate your scent. Simply cuddle with the comforter or keep it close to you for a while. Babies are driven by their senses! 
  • Your baby might not immediately take to the comforter, and that's perfectly normal. Be patient and allow them time to form their own connection.


  • Invest in multiple comforters to ensure you have backups. This is especially handy in case one gets left behind at daycare or needs cleaning.

  • Rotate through the comforters as you clean them. This not only keeps them fresh but also ensures your baby won't become overly attached to a single one

Incorporating a comforter into your little one's sleep routine is a thoughtful way to enhance their comfort, promote independence, and make bedtime a more delightful experience. Sweet dreams await!


I know some comforters also have in built timed music, this is something we actually don't recommend to utilise.... why?

For some babies it can contribute to frequent waking, especially if you use it with every settle or resettle. If your baby falls asleep with the music, and this music turns off at any point what may happen is that due to the change of environment it causes them to wake.

In short, it can become a negative association as it contributes to changes in their environment. Think of it to the equivalent of their dummy falling out every 2hrs and needing to be replaced.

As always if you're having any struggles with your little one's sleep, our team is just a call away to offer any help you might need. 

  • Our 3-12 Month Sleep Guide has further details about introducing comforters as well as many other aspects to help navigate your little ones sleep. 
  • For parents struggling with several things such as catnapping, frequent night waking, early morning rising or things that simply no longer work, have a look at our Phone + One Week Support option.
  • Not sure what is right for you? Get on the phone to one of our experienced consultants with our FREE 15min Discovery Call.