Phone Consult + Two Week Support

Our most popular package for parents who are finding themselves struggling with more complex sleep issues.

If you are struggling with trying to move away from things that are no longer sustainable such as rocking, feeding to sleep or co sleeping, frequent night waking, catnapping, early morning rising or just need guidance, support and knowledge. 

Package includes:

  • Comprehensive sleep questionnaire
  • Custom sleep plan 
  • Initial 60min Zoom call
  • Daily Whatsapp Support (Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm in your consultants time zone)
  • Access to private Facebook support group which has a library of PDF files relating to routine change, regressions, settling techniques and support until your little one stops sleeping

You have the option to add in 2 x 15min check in calls during your support.

What happens now?

At the time of your payment you will be able to select the time, date and consultant you wish to work with. 

Your personalised plan will be sent within 24-48hrs prior to your initial chat with your selected consultant. 

During your initial call your sleep consultant will explain the sleep plan, answer any questions and make any adjustments as needed.

For the duration of your support you have easy access to your consultant via Whatsapp to answer any questions you may have, guidance or just a hand to hold during your transition.

    40 total reviews

    $495.00 AUD
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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 40 reviews
    Jade Marshall
    Superwoman Cassie

    Prior to starting sleepy little bubs my LO was waking every half an hour over night, could not consolidate sleep and could not nap longer than 30 minutes during the day. Overnight at wake ups he would scream for up to 2 hours and all of our usual soothing techniques were out the door including co sleeping. During the day he was incredibly unhappy and spent most of the day crying from being overtired, for four months I put this down to temperament, after 7 weeks we finally bit the bullet and booked a consultation with Cassie apprehensive as I felt I had exhausted all avenues already and expected my LO to be a difficult case.

    The 60m consult call was incredibly informative and really set us up for success.
    From day ONE, my LO had 3 wakes over night with resettling that was working now that I had the information to help us (we did spaced soothing and this was only needed for 2 days) and now approaching the end of our 2 weeks he will fall asleep without crying, happily talks to himself until he falls asleep for day and night sleeps. During the night he was 2x for a feed as EBF baby and is awake maximum 20 minutes per feed and puts himself straight back to sleep. We are having 11-12 hours TOTAL sleep per night outside of his feeds, and this is all I could’ve dreamed of a few weeks ago.
    Cassie has been incredibly responsive and helpful at every turn, checking in every morning and answering any questions I have throughout the day. Making any changes necessary as his needs changed.
    My son is the happiest smiliest little baby and doing this support has absolutely changed our lives, its improved my mental health, my relationship and we are spending our days laughing and smiling when 2 weeks ago I was crying all day everyday, becoming consumed and obsessed with sleeps and timings, not leaving my house in case I impacted his sleep, my mental health took a huge hit and I was questioning my ability as a mum.

    I am so grateful for the support that Cassie has provided and SLB deserves all the 5 stars and more. I am so glad that we invested in this support. My partner has stated that it is possibly the best money we’ve ever spent.

    Thank you Cassie, you’ve truely changed our lives.

    Kyndra to the rescue

    Prior to our consultation my daughter was waking up over 15 times a night or spending 2-4 hours awake
    Kyndra helped us navigate from 3 naps a day to 2 and helped with a bunch of other information we needed for sleep
    It’s been dramatically better
    In the guide Kyndra had prepared for us it said days 3-7 were the trickiest when transitioning and that was definitely the case for us but trust the process because you will get there
    I will definitely be booking another consultation when my daughter needs to transition to 1 nap then no naps
    Thank you for everything

    Anita S
    Life is so different (in a better way!)

    Our lives are so changed since day one of our support from Cassie. We took the slower 'settling hierarchy' approach, so our baby boy is still not completely self-settling, but we are still in a great place.

    What it was like before starting with SLB: our boy was sleeping relatively well throughout the night, but took a couple of hours to be put down by me (dadda had more luck), would only contact nap in the day (I would hold him or sleep next to him in a dark room, as he was no longer a newborn and was easily distracted). I also relied on feeding to sleep, but felt that even that was failing.
    Grandparents were starting to rely on the carrier because he fought his cot naps so much.

    Sometimes he randomly slept in his cot in the day, but nothing substantial. I was ready to stop spending a few hours a day in a dark room - I needed to have him sleep on his own. And after dadda was away for a couple of nights, and it took me and my mother 2+ hours to get him down at night, IT WAS TIME TO DO SOMETHING.
    I called Eva.
    She organised Cassie to help us.

    Some of the wonderful changes since receiving Cassie's help:
    - a schedule has worked wonders, where the importance of sleep pressure is clear. A schedule also helps me make a decision about what to do (e.g. we slept in this mornig, so what do we do now? Now I know!). He also goes to bed at the same time now.
    - baby boy can fall asleep without being held. We pat his bum until settled and sing until he falls asleep. We had moved on to voice, but then baby boy got sick, so we started cuddling him more. We do know what we need to do, though, and are trying to move on again.
    - baby boy eats substantial meals, rather than snacking due to feeding to sleep. This has also made it so much easier for grandparents to baby sit, as they know whether he would be hungry or not, and when to feed him.
    - we have knowledge about what to do when something is off, as well as support from FB community. For example, we have had some very difficult nights recently. From my own insincts (guided by knowledge gained from SLB) and support via FB, we dropped the third nap... and voila.
    - baby boy is just so much happier. As we all are. He is less grizzly and does not cry as much. He does not scream when grandparents try to put him to sleep. We are all in just such better moods.

    Thank you to Cassie and the SLB team so so much for changing our lives for the better. <3

    Life changing!

    I finally bit the bullet after going back and fourth for some time and signed up with 2 week support with Eva.

    All i have to say is it was truly life changing for me. My Bub went from waking literally every 40-60 minutes at night and sleeping 30-40 minutes during the day. I was consumed in sleep, exhausted with my mental health down the drain. With bubs temperament I was very unsure how successful it would all be but she took to it virtually instantaneous! I couldn’t believe it. She now has extended all her day naps, is on a routine, has a solid bed routine and is now only waking once at night with a sleep through!! Eva was absolutely amazing during the support and beyond. We were still figuring it out and she stayed with us until it all fell into place. By far the best investment I have ever made as a parent, hands down. I will be forever grateful and I learnt so so much in the process!

    Best money spent!

    We signed up with Eva for the 2 week support and it was the best thing we did!

    Prior to working with Eva my 16 month old relied on my physical touch to fall asleep, was fighting bedtime for hours and was waking 3-5 times a night needing the dummy replaced. I was so exhausted!

    Eva was amazing! She made some changes to our nap schedule and routine and supported me to no longer using physical contact to put my daughter to sleep through a gradual approach.

    Since our support my daughter no longer fights bedtime, settles herself to sleep without me being in the room, sleeps 12 hours overnight and no longer wakes needing the dummy replaced!

    We are all now getting the much needed sleep we were missing out on and I am functioning way better!

    Highly recommend Eva!

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 40 reviews
    Jade Marshall
    Superwoman Cassie

    Prior to starting sleepy little bubs my LO was waking every half an hour over night, could not consolidate sleep and could not nap longer than 30 minutes during the day. Overnight at wake ups he would scream for up to 2 hours and all of our usual soothing techniques were out the door including co sleeping. During the day he was incredibly unhappy and spent most of the day crying from being overtired, for four months I put this down to temperament, after 7 weeks we finally bit the bullet and booked a consultation with Cassie apprehensive as I felt I had exhausted all avenues already and expected my LO to be a difficult case.

    The 60m consult call was incredibly informative and really set us up for success.
    From day ONE, my LO had 3 wakes over night with resettling that was working now that I had the information to help us (we did spaced soothing and this was only needed for 2 days) and now approaching the end of our 2 weeks he will fall asleep without crying, happily talks to himself until he falls asleep for day and night sleeps. During the night he was 2x for a feed as EBF baby and is awake maximum 20 minutes per feed and puts himself straight back to sleep. We are having 11-12 hours TOTAL sleep per night outside of his feeds, and this is all I could’ve dreamed of a few weeks ago.
    Cassie has been incredibly responsive and helpful at every turn, checking in every morning and answering any questions I have throughout the day. Making any changes necessary as his needs changed.
    My son is the happiest smiliest little baby and doing this support has absolutely changed our lives, its improved my mental health, my relationship and we are spending our days laughing and smiling when 2 weeks ago I was crying all day everyday, becoming consumed and obsessed with sleeps and timings, not leaving my house in case I impacted his sleep, my mental health took a huge hit and I was questioning my ability as a mum.

    I am so grateful for the support that Cassie has provided and SLB deserves all the 5 stars and more. I am so glad that we invested in this support. My partner has stated that it is possibly the best money we’ve ever spent.

    Thank you Cassie, you’ve truely changed our lives.

    Kyndra to the rescue

    Prior to our consultation my daughter was waking up over 15 times a night or spending 2-4 hours awake
    Kyndra helped us navigate from 3 naps a day to 2 and helped with a bunch of other information we needed for sleep
    It’s been dramatically better
    In the guide Kyndra had prepared for us it said days 3-7 were the trickiest when transitioning and that was definitely the case for us but trust the process because you will get there
    I will definitely be booking another consultation when my daughter needs to transition to 1 nap then no naps
    Thank you for everything

    Anita S
    Life is so different (in a better way!)

    Our lives are so changed since day one of our support from Cassie. We took the slower 'settling hierarchy' approach, so our baby boy is still not completely self-settling, but we are still in a great place.

    What it was like before starting with SLB: our boy was sleeping relatively well throughout the night, but took a couple of hours to be put down by me (dadda had more luck), would only contact nap in the day (I would hold him or sleep next to him in a dark room, as he was no longer a newborn and was easily distracted). I also relied on feeding to sleep, but felt that even that was failing.
    Grandparents were starting to rely on the carrier because he fought his cot naps so much.

    Sometimes he randomly slept in his cot in the day, but nothing substantial. I was ready to stop spending a few hours a day in a dark room - I needed to have him sleep on his own. And after dadda was away for a couple of nights, and it took me and my mother 2+ hours to get him down at night, IT WAS TIME TO DO SOMETHING.
    I called Eva.
    She organised Cassie to help us.

    Some of the wonderful changes since receiving Cassie's help:
    - a schedule has worked wonders, where the importance of sleep pressure is clear. A schedule also helps me make a decision about what to do (e.g. we slept in this mornig, so what do we do now? Now I know!). He also goes to bed at the same time now.
    - baby boy can fall asleep without being held. We pat his bum until settled and sing until he falls asleep. We had moved on to voice, but then baby boy got sick, so we started cuddling him more. We do know what we need to do, though, and are trying to move on again.
    - baby boy eats substantial meals, rather than snacking due to feeding to sleep. This has also made it so much easier for grandparents to baby sit, as they know whether he would be hungry or not, and when to feed him.
    - we have knowledge about what to do when something is off, as well as support from FB community. For example, we have had some very difficult nights recently. From my own insincts (guided by knowledge gained from SLB) and support via FB, we dropped the third nap... and voila.
    - baby boy is just so much happier. As we all are. He is less grizzly and does not cry as much. He does not scream when grandparents try to put him to sleep. We are all in just such better moods.

    Thank you to Cassie and the SLB team so so much for changing our lives for the better. <3

    Life changing!

    I finally bit the bullet after going back and fourth for some time and signed up with 2 week support with Eva.

    All i have to say is it was truly life changing for me. My Bub went from waking literally every 40-60 minutes at night and sleeping 30-40 minutes during the day. I was consumed in sleep, exhausted with my mental health down the drain. With bubs temperament I was very unsure how successful it would all be but she took to it virtually instantaneous! I couldn’t believe it. She now has extended all her day naps, is on a routine, has a solid bed routine and is now only waking once at night with a sleep through!! Eva was absolutely amazing during the support and beyond. We were still figuring it out and she stayed with us until it all fell into place. By far the best investment I have ever made as a parent, hands down. I will be forever grateful and I learnt so so much in the process!

    Best money spent!

    We signed up with Eva for the 2 week support and it was the best thing we did!

    Prior to working with Eva my 16 month old relied on my physical touch to fall asleep, was fighting bedtime for hours and was waking 3-5 times a night needing the dummy replaced. I was so exhausted!

    Eva was amazing! She made some changes to our nap schedule and routine and supported me to no longer using physical contact to put my daughter to sleep through a gradual approach.

    Since our support my daughter no longer fights bedtime, settles herself to sleep without me being in the room, sleeps 12 hours overnight and no longer wakes needing the dummy replaced!

    We are all now getting the much needed sleep we were missing out on and I am functioning way better!

    Highly recommend Eva!